Eurostart project

EuroSTART Project Introduction

In a highly competitive economy, a good idea is not always enough to develop a successful business project. Still 9 out of 10 start-ups usually fail. One of the causes of failure is the lack of managerial skills of start-uppers and entrepreneurs, who are not equipped and prepared enough to launch and sustain their ideas on the market. All partners, united by a general objective of business support, decided to bring together their respective experience to develop a new educational proposal answering to the training need identified.

The main objective of EuroSTART project is to discuss a common proposal of competences required by start-uppers and entrepreneurs to become efficient managers, as well as to propose educational resources for this target, allowing them upskilling and becoming more performant in their managerial tasks, thus achieving better success in their projects. The second objective of EuroSTART is to provide entrepreneurs supporting organisations with further tools and VET materials to be used with the entrepreneurs, thus reaching the first objective of improvement of competences and successful businesses.

Throughout the project lifetime, partners expect to involve a large audience over Europe, engaging participants from partners’ countries (Ireland, Spain, Italy, Germany, Hungary and Poland) to take part in different training activities and events.  

18 start-uppers and entrepreneurs will go to Budapest for a training activity onsite, and at least 180 entrepreneurs, start-uppers and supporting organisations will participate to national workshop and launching events, as a way to engage them in the development and validation of the course. In total, partners expect to involve at least 500 learners in the EuroSTART platform during the project life, and over 1000 during the next years. A start event and a final conference will also engage more participants in the project.

Partners have determined a work plan in order to reach the objectives set for the project, starting with the preparation of competences factsheet and a training roadmap. Then, they will develop specific training contents responding to the competences foreseen, each partner using its specific fields of expertise to contribute to the development of the course. They will develop an online platform to deliver the course with interactive exercises and evaluation system, including a social module, as a meeting place for start-ups, entrepreneurs and stakeholders for project pitching and peer-to-peer learning.

EuroSTART project will rely on a participative methodology, engaging the target group all along the project implementation, with many events to be organised. It will also make a strong use of ICT as a catalyst for the project activities impact. A strong focus is given on international activities, being in line with an international scenario for smart growth and boosting creativity through intercultural diversity.

The main project result will be the creation of a complete set of educative materials for start-ups and entrepreneurs, including an e-learning platform, social and interactive modules, as well as a teacher manual. The expected impact on the target group is an improvement of the management competences, and thus better efficiency and success in the launch of activities.

As long term benefit, project expect to contribute to the EU2020 strategy encouraging an economy based on innovation and high technology, thanks to better prepared start-uppers and entrepreneurs for the management of competitive and performant businesses, as well as to the ET2020 strategy, contributing to the development of qualitative open educational resources.


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